We all love food.
It contributes to the health of our families, our culture and traditions and our fondest memories.
In short, food is part of our identity.
“EU And My Food” is about safe and nutritious food. It’s about the health of our animals and how we treat them. It’s about taking care of our environment – the soil, water and air – which sustain the crops that produce so much of what we eat.
We all want food that is safe, ingredients we can trace and claims about the benefits of food to be proven. The EU ensures that farmers, manufacturers and supermarkets deliver a high level of safety for their produce and provide accessible information for consumers about all the ingredients and their origin.
Our health is linked to animal health. Thousands of animal species live with us on this planet. Some 30% of Europe’s food is from animals and two-thirds of our crops are used to feed them. We need to protect animal health, properly feed and care for them, to protect our own health too.